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Some Essential Tips To Make Your Website Responsive

3-08-2015, 20:24
1 546

Some Essential Tips To Make Your Website Responsive

Some essential tips that business owners should focus upon to send good first impression to the users. There are few things business sites have to do in order to have a strong impact on both users and Google. Follow these tips and your website will have quality traffic.

Loading of page

If you own a business site then focus upon how your site loads. If you have a web template that looks good, but the loading time is increased significantly, then optimized it to reduce loading time and make it under 15 seconds.

Clear Navigation

Most business websites focus upon offering better site rather than navigation. When a user visit from one page to another, it’s the navigation. You need to optimize the website so that users frequently visit from one page to another without leaving the site. Make sure there is enough information on the page that force user to click and visit more pages.

Browser compatibility

If you are running a business website that deals in forex trade, or any financial business like site, then you should make the website compatible on all the browsers. There is a great percentage of people using opera, safari, and internet explorer. Your website should be accessible with all these browsers.

The Resolution

If you have uploaded a template on your site, make sure to check how it’s reacting to different resolution. Some people might have a particular resolution set on their computer and that may cause problem. See if your site is working fine on all the resolution that are commonly used.

Simple and better

Set fonts and images professionally so that it doesn’t cause problem for you in future. Your site mustn’t use fonts that are fancy, use fonts that are commonly used by people. Minimize use of image so that your design is simple and effective. The design must be eye catching and reflects your business. One of the most common mistake people do is, they leave white space. Minimize the white space in your site, put graphics so that it looks good to users, and make it neat and clean.

See what’s broken

If you have a business blog that gives tips on trade, business secrets, and forex marketing ideas, then make sure there isn’t any broken link. Google react strongly toward broken links so check by using a plugin to ensure you don’t have any broken link in web design.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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